Synthetic data for the company of tomorrow

Start now and speed up your business with synthetic data and deep learning from Vypno


Our expertise lies in synthetic data, deep learning, and computer vision. Harnessing the power of our advanced technology, we transform images captured from cameras, mobile phones, drones, or satellites into innovative solutions that unlock new possibilities.

object detection

Diverse Data

Limited data access drives up costs, our solutions generate a wide variety of diverse data based on small samples of real data.


Manual data labelling is cost and time intensive, Vypno automates this process and reduces your cost and time requirements.

Full stack Solution

We provide a much more efficient deep learning solution, that shortens the development cycle compared to our competitors.

Areas of Application

We offer solutions for a variety of industries. Through our cooperations with industry leaders we were able to gather extensive expertise in these areas.


Keeping the overview of your construction site can be a difficult task. We at Vypno help you by tracking and classifying all the objects of your construction site, so you can always check your construction progress and act quickly to any unwanted developments.


Continuously monitoring your fields and forests for abnormalities such as pests is a labor-intensive job. Use our solution to accelerate and simplify this process. Using images we can detect undesirable developments and calculate likely scenarios for you as well as potential


Damages and outages can lead to significant costs, regular maintenance of sites and early detection of damages is therefore of enormous importance. Our software supports you in this process, by recognizing potential damages ahead of time and calculating likely scenarios for you.


The creation of a new design can be a demanding and complex process. Based on your input, our technology generates a variety of colour and style suggestions to provide you with visual help and support you in your creative process.

We created a showcase app called coloraid on the iOS Appstore.


Company history

The Founders

Vypno was founded by

Dr. Yang Li
M. Sc. Maximilian Jakasovic 
Dr. Nitesh Narayan
M. Sc. Alejandro Rueda.

We are alumni from the computer science department of the Technical University Munich. Our expertise lies in artificial intelligence, computer vision and software engineering.

vypno team


contact us

Want to know more? Contact us and learn how we can help you!

In order to awnser your request the data provided by you through our contact formular will be processed on our server. For more information please refer to our privacy policy

Visit us

Lichtenbergstraße 8
85748 Garching

Call us

+49 (0) 175 1141726

Legal Notice

Angaben gem. § 5 TMG

Vypno GmbH
Lichtenbergstraße 8
85748 Garching

Registergericht: Amtsgericht München,
HRB: 251315
Geschäftsführer: Maximilian Jakasovic

Telefon: +49 175 1141726

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy can be found here 


The website of the Vypno GmbH contains information that enables a quick electronic contact to our enterprise, as well as direct communication with us, which also includes a general address of the so-called electronic mail (e-mail address). If a data subject contacts the controller by e-mail or via a contact form, the personal data transmitted by the data subject are automatically stored. Such personal data transmitted on a voluntary basis by a data subject to the data controller are stored for the purpose of processing or contacting the data subject. There is no transfer of this personal data to third parties.

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We do not accept any responsibility for or endorse the content of external websites we link to, whether directly or indirectly. The providers of the linked websites are solely responsible for all content presented on their websites and in particular, any damage resulting from the use the information offered on their websites.

Liability and Intellectual Property Rights Information

Liability Disclaimer: While the content of this website has been put together with great care and reflects our current knowledge, it is provided for information purposes without being legally binding, unless the disclosure of this information is required by law (e.g. the legal information), the privacy policy, terms and conditions or mandatory instructions for consumers) . We reserve the right to modify or delete the content, whether in full or in part, provided this does not affect our existing contractual obligations. All website content is subject to change and non-binding. 

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